It has long been my wish to take my personal teaching of Witchcraft out to the larger community on the Internet. Technology has now come to the point where I feel that I can not only get the information out to those who are looking for it, but it also now allows me to use video, forums, live chat, and other forms of communication to teach as well on the Internet, as I do with the students who come to me in person.
Here at Witchcraft Academy, I intend to enlist the help of many teachers in order to offer college level courses in Wicca/Witchcraft, as well as other forms of Paganism. With their help, I can offer single courses on subjects such as Tarot, or Herbology, as well as full Year and A Day courses to get students ready for Initiation into their chosen Path.
Why would I do this?
In my nearly 30 years of studying and practicing Witchcraft, I have almost daily heard from people like yourself, who want to learn about Wicca, Witchcraft, and other Pagan Paths, but are unable to find a teacher near them. Many believe that they are the only Witch/Pagan within 100 miles of where they live.
When I first started learning my Path, it was understood that anyone who had knowledge, has the responsibility to teach that knowledge to those who seek to learn it. There are far more books on the subject now, than there were then, but books can only present to you what the author thought was important for that book.
To truly learn a Spiritual Path, you need to experience it.
A teacher provides knowledge, wisdom, and their own life experience to help guide you as you start out along your Path.
Witchcraft Academy is my answer to all those people, around the globe, who are serious about wanting to follow the Path of their heart.
In Their Service,
Ken Biles (Greyhart)
Founder – Witchcraft Academy[/text_block]

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This Is What You’ve Been Looking For!
If you’re curious about Wicca and Witchcraft, but don’t want to learn how to be a Witch, just to learn more about it, this is the book you’ve been looking for.
Inside, you’ll learn who Witches are, and what we do. You’ll discover the history, rituals and celebrations that Witches used to participate in, and still practice to this day.
This book was written specifically for those who are interested and want to learn more, or are just curious. It explains Witchcraft in basic terms, and describes in detail everything you need to know in order to make an informed choice about whether this is the Path for you.
Nothing is left out.
Witchcraft 101 is available exclusively as a Kindle book, through Amazon.com so you can read it anywhere. Amazon’s free Kindle software allows you to read it on any device, from PC to phone.
Click here now, to read the reviews, and buy the book!

1 Treat it like something you spent $1000 on. Use it. Implement it. Don’t just consume it and then move on with your life. There are dozens of profoundly useful and applicable techniques that you can use to take your Craft to the next level. This is information you can’t find in books, and will find nowhere else on the internet. Here you will find ways to do better ritual, recognize the Gods who have chosen you, manifest anything you desire into your life, increase your magickal ability, and learn to live a more spiritual life.
2 Tell 3 friends about it. You may feel like you are the only Witch in your area, but you have like-minded friends and acquaintances across Social Media. Every one of those people has the same goal you do, to become better at their Craft. To learn what it takes to be a better Witch. I kept this information free, so that you could spread the ideas that I talk about. In a profound way, you have the opportunity to help your friends accomplish more. What could be more powerful than that?
Again, I invested thousands of dollars, and even more time and effort, into putting this website together. And it’s yours free, because I know that by investing in you now, you’ll be back to invest in my work – whether it’s my free material, or my premium courses.[/text_block]