
I read a lot (ok, most Witches read a lot), I also watch a lot of material online that falls into what most people call the Self Help category.

Many would be embarrassed to admit that they listen to, watch, or read self help material, but I understand that life is a process of learning, and that I can always be better than I am. After all, that is what a spiritual Path is all about, helping you to be the best you, that you can be, so I guess that makes your spiritual Path the biggest self help of them all.

Anyway, I was watching a video by a guy online, and he made several powerful statements, one of which was what he called the Prayer Of Abundance. Like myself, he’s a big believer that mental attitude, or mindset, is the biggest factor in how successful you are in anything, including your life. In other words, to be successful, you must believe that you are successful.

How you look at life determines what happens in your life, and phrasing is the key. You’ll notice the title is Spell Of Abundance, not Spell For Abundance, and there’s a reason for that. We all want abundance in our lives, for one thing or another, but if you are looking for abundance, you are subconsciously admitting the lack of abundance that you feel. We all know that sympathetic magick works on the rule that like brings like, so if you lack abundance, your mind resonates that lack, and true abundance never seems to come.

If however, you think about the abundance you already have, and give thanks to the Gods for the things that are already abundant in your life, your mind resonates on the positive, and opens to the opportunities all around you. Words have power, and how you phrase things tells volumes about your mindset.

Most people in our culture have been conditioned to want what they don’t have. It’s this feeling of lacking what others have, that keeps us buying things (mostly things we don’t need). We feel like we have to keep up with the Jones, in order to prove our self-worth. A true Witch knows that abundance is all around us, we just have to reach out and grab it. We may not have everything we want, but we can get it, all we have to do is work for it.

A large part of working for what we want, is acknowledging what we already have, and the abundance that surrounds us. If you have a roof over your head, you are more abundant than a significant percentage of the population. If you are reading this, you have a computer or smart phone, so you have the wealth to buy those things. If you have people who love you, you are wealthy indeed!

By mentally listing those things you already have, you are acknowledging that you have abundance. This process allows you to realize just how abundant you really are, and therefore recognize the opportunities for bringing more abundance into your life. It also makes you feel good about your life. No matter how bad life may get, you always have things that display the abundance you have.

You will actually feel better about life, after listed the abundance you already have. Now that you have a positive mindset, you will be able to see and recognize the opportunities that come your way. Then you can take advantage of them to bring more abundance into your life! Attitude is everything in Witchcraft. If you don’t believe you have the power to cause change, why would you even attempt magick? If you have a negative outlook on life, why would you even attempt to make it better?

So, before you can make those positive changes in your life, you have to get to a place mentally, where you recognize all the good you already have, then you can add to that abundance. Use this spell on a daily basis, and you will see a positive change in your life within a week.

Spell Of Abundance:

Lord & Lady,
Thank you for the things I have,
and the things I am yet to receive
My abundance flows freely,
With things like:
(List the positive things in your life that you have, no matter how insignificant they may seem)
I see the abundance I have,
and thank you for all that has come my way.
Give me the wisdom to recognize
The opportunities that abundance provides,
So that I may claim all that I desire.
So Mote It Be!

Leave a reply, and let me know how this worked for you. What did this spell bring, and how has it changed your life?

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    1 Response to "Spell Of Abundance"

    • […] last two weeks, I’ve been posting about this self help video I watched. The first one was a Spell Of Abundance, and last week I wrote a post about Your Craft Commitment. The video didn’t talk about anything I […]

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