Ogma's Oratory

Ogma's OratoryOgma's Oratory is a monthly live TV show with an audience who can chat with us and each other while the show is streaming. Greyhart and his co-host Rebekah, talk about Pagan events, books, music, the occasional guest and even do a little teaching of the Craft.

 Named for Ogma, the Celtic God of communication, who invented writing, and the Ogham tree runes of the Celts, the show is produced as an entertaining method of getting information about Wicca, Witchcraft, and other Pagan Paths to those who are looking to learn. We aren't afraid of a little controversy, or upsetting people by shaking the way they look at things.

Join us live, each month as we shake things up, and have fun doing it.

Our Next Show

Join us LIVE on YouTube for the chat!

The Ides of March

This month Rebekah and I will be talking about Bindings, Hexes and Curses, and the Binding that "Witches" on Facebook tried to do to President Trump.

You don't want to miss this show!

Prior Shows

January 2017

Exploring The Pentagram

Rebekah and I discuss the pentagram, where it comes from, what it is, and how it's used.

What does it mean if the pentagram is point up, and what does it mean when it is point down?

What is the difference between a pentagram, and a pentacle?

What do each of the points correspond to?

This and much more, we talk about in this episode.

February 2017

Imbolc, The Beginning of Spring!


Rebekah and Greyhart explain why Spring actually starts now, not at Ostara. Conversation also includes an old Celtic story, that sounds very similar to, and may be the origin of Groundhog Day.

2016 Shows

September 2016

Guest: Kaedrich Olsen

You may know Kaedrich from his book, Runes of Transformation, but he is also an accomplished musician. His latest project takes what he's learned about how the Norse actually used the runes, and brings it into the modern era.

Kaedrich is using music and voice to intone/sing/chant the runes, which he says is how they were invoked by the Norse. You can find his GaldraKraft website at http://galdrakraft.com/homeAs always, we are recording the show LIVE, so the audience gets to participate by making comments, and asking questions. I will also be putting a link in the text chat, so that anyone with a microphone connected to their device, can speak to us in voice chat.

July 2016

Topic: New Streaming Software! What Could Go Wrong?

Marcus Leader was a guest on my second show, and due to technical issues, I was the only one who could hear him. This time around, everyone was able to hear him, and we had a fascinating discussion about how he met Carlos Castaneda, and what it is to be a modern Toltec Shaman.

May 2016

Topic: Herb Of The Month Club!

This month my guest is Julie Andaverde, from Ye Olde Magic Shoppe. We talk about everything from Traditional Witchcraft, to Ceremonial Magic, to what you can get in the shop. We had a great conversation full of information.

March 2016

Topic: If It's March, It Must Be Ostara!

I finally got my audio problem fixed, you can hear my guest, Autumn! On this show we talk about Spring traditions from around the globe.

January 2016 (Our First Show!)

Topic: Rites of Passage
We had a technical issue, the audio for my guest was off. These things happen in live TV, and it was the first show, and Mercury was retrograde, so I expect these things. Still, we had people in the chat talking to us, and I believe it made for a fun show!

December 2016

It's our firt Yule show!

On this episode, We talk about the history of Yule,and the elements of Christmas that you're familiar with, that come from Pagan origins.

We had a lot of fun, and presented a lot of information.

August 2016

Topic: This month will be different. No guest, just me and the audience.

I'd like to thank BeatGirl19 for joining me in the Voice Chat, so that it wasn't just me talking. 🙂 All in all, I think the first show by myself went pretty well.

June 2016

Topic: That Darn Heathen!

Feel free to fast forward through the first 30 minutes, unless you just want to listen to the music.

This month my guest is Magni Thorsson, Priest of Mjolnir Kindred. We will be talking about modern Norse Heathens, who they are, what they do, and compare/contrast to Wicca & Witchcraft.

Magni is the opposite of Politically Correct. He has opinions, and doesn't have a problem sharing them. He has been practicing Heathenry in one form or another for around 40 years. He brings to this month's show, a wealth of information and knowledge about the Norse culture, and how it shapes his beliefs.

April 2016

Topic: Wandering The Wigglian Way!

My guest this month was Sparrow, co-host of The Wigglian Way podcast. We talked about the technical issues I had getting her audio to work (you CAN hear her, though the slight echo has now been fixed)

We also discuss how Kinder Morgan is trying to bore a tar sands pipeline through the mountain she lives on, in Vancouver, BC. She is very passionate about this, as you can imagine, and she makes some really good arguments about why it's bad to run a pipeline under protected land in an earthquake zone.

This was also my first attempt at streaming to Facebook. It's easier than YouTube, and does allow for comments. We will dual stream again next month. If it works out, Ogma's Oratory will broadcast on the Witchcraft Academy page on Facebook.

February 2016

Topic: Modern Shamanism

I really hate when I am the only person who can hear the guest! Still, it was a fun show, and I will have Marcus on again (when you cab hear him) to talk more about altered states of consciousness.