When I first started on my Path, Magick was esoteric at best. My teachers knew that magick worked, but not why. They also told me that magick is real, we just don't have the equipment to measure what it is we're doing when we cast a spell.

A lot has changed in the last 30 years. Now we as Witches & Pagans are starting to understand how magick actually works. The really cool thing is, unlike the Main Stream Religions, science is helping us. The benefit of this is, as we understand more about magick and how it works, we can do more magickally, and get better, more repeatable results. Also, having a way to explain it in scientific terms allows us to describe to those who don't believe in Magick, what we do, in a more credible way.

This is a good thing!

Take a look at this article, and see if you begin to more fully understand:

In Their Service,

Ken Biles


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