
This is the second video in a series based on my book The Elemental Path.
In this video, we will be talking about specific Associations of Air, including some of their uses in spellwork.
We will also be talking about the symbolism of these Associations and how they should always be personal to you.
Again, please keep a pen and paper handy as you view this, or something else to take notes on,
Enjoy the video.

Blessed Be!
Marc Sylvir

    2 replies to "The Elemental Path – Associations of Air"

    • John Conley

      Thanks for posting. Why do you think yellow is associated with air?

    • Marc Sylvir

      That is a good question. With a glance at my altar, I see that the Air candle is sky-blue. But in time of day, Air is associated with Dawn, or sunrise. The yellow Sun comes up and meets the Air and the Earth. That may be where yellow comes in. Perhaps I need to do a little research. One thing a teacher should always do is to keep learning. And it’s students who inspire us to do that. Thank you for the question.

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