I am Marc Sylvir and this is the first video in a series based on my book The Elemental Path.
In this video, we will be talking about how the Elements apply to spellwork, the attributes of the Element of Air, and Elemental associations.

Please keep a pen and paper handy as you view this, or something else to take notes on, There will be an opportunity between this video and the next one in the series for you to make your own list of things associated with the Element of Air.
That being said, sit back and enjoy the video.

Blessed Be!
Marc Sylvir

    7 replies to "The Elemental Path – The Element of Air"

    • christine filas

      Dear Nr. Sylvir,

      This was informative and interesting.I am getting started on my list. I look forward to your next video.
      Thank you Mr.Biles for another great lesson!

      • Greyhart

        In this case, I’m just the messenger. This is all Marc, and he does a great job!

      • Marc Sylvir

        Thank you Christine. I hope you enjoy the whole series.

    • John Conley

      Hmm. Who is the target audience? What is that audience supposed to walk away with from this? (Greyhart knows I’m real linear sometimes ;-}) In my opinion if time is short (roughly 5 mins here) then I tend to think content should be really focused. Hence the questions above. Hope this helps.

      • Marc Sylvir

        The target audience is the novice. This is based on my book The Elemental Path, which is based on a series of classes which I’ve been teaching for about twenty years. By the end of the series, the student should have a good understanding of each of the five Elements. This is done with stories, Elemental associations, and two pathworkings for each of the Elements as well as a ground and center at the end encompassing all five Elements.

    • Kathye Haston

      Great video, makes me think more thoroughly with relation of my soon to be written list association with the element of Air.
      Thank you for this learning video session.
      Peace and Blessed Be…
      Kathye H

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